Hamlin Beach State Park

Hamlin Beach State Park is well-used and contains a diverse mix of recreational opportunities that, at present, are not being realized to their fullest potential. The Hamlin Beach State Park Strategic Plan Report was undertaken to explore opportunities for enhancements that improve the visitor experience through providing sustainable park improvements and expanding the outdoor recreational offerings.

A thorough existing conditions inventory and analysis was performed and used to develop park improvement strategies and conceptual features. The heavily used Lake Ontario shoreline and wetland areas were of particular focus.

Site improvements were proposed to balance desirable site uses, improved ecological function of the shoreline, and long-term resiliency.
Vehicular and pedestrian circulation were evaluated throughout the park. New raised wood boardwalks, green infrastructure, and porous parking areas promote a newfound ecological sensibility and continue to provide access for all park users.

Park attractions like playgrounds, comfort stations, shelters, and a woodland amphitheater were integral to the park plan.

Finally, planting and landscape recommendations were crafted. Site-specific sustainable maintenance and invasive species management strategies were developed to ensure the success of landscape investments.

Design elements were developed in collaboration with New York State Parks staff and leadership and a diverse team of professionals. Encompassing ecological, recreational, and historical factors, the Strategic Plan represents not only a commitment to blending preservation and enhancements into the visitor experience but also an investment in the future of New York State Parks in the era of covid and climate change. The report provides NYS Parks with a prioritized set of strategic improvements that can be implemented over time to align with capital improvement opportunities.

The Hamlin Beach State Park Strategic Plan was given an Honor Award, Planning & Analysis, 2022, American Society of Landscape Architects New York Upstate Chapter.

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