The Tappan Zee Bridge replacement project includes a shared bicycle and pedestrian facility – creating a new multi-modal link across the Hudson River. TWMLA has been contracted by the NYS Thruway Authority to identify opportunities for connecting the new shared-use path with the surrounding trail network and Riverwalk.

The proposed Riverwalk link would enable a recreational and commuter corridor along the Hudson River between New York City, 25 miles to the south, as well as providing a vital connection in the regional recreational trail network.

From the bridge landing high above the Hudson River, the proposed trail traverses steep grades down to the river through a series of switchbacks under the bridge – maintaining ADA compliance – and connects with a new signature pedestrian bridge over the Metro-North railroad and to a thrilling new Riverwalk segment structured over the water.

The signature pedestrian bridge over the Metro-North frames spectacular views of the Hudson River and some of the regions’ most important infrastructure.

User experience is enhanced with interpretive signage, trail amenities, and native vegetation restoration.